“I’ve had the pleasure of working in the music business for many years and in many ways. In the last 15 years the majority of my work has been focused on live performances and more specifically as a drummer, band leader/musical director for a variety of artists. While I respect a musician’s talents and skills due to their hard work and dedication, there is nothing more rewarding for me than working with this kind of talent that excels at blending and finding that magical chemistry as it applies to working with other musicians. I was on the lookout several years ago to find this kind of lead and background singer for the Enrique Iglesias touring band and found Celia Chavez. I’ve found in my years of experience that the cream rises to the top and after speaking with several colleagues about their recommendations, Celia’s name was the first name to be brought up. After having the pleasure of touring these last several years with Celia in just about every circumstance imaginable, I would put her at the top of an already tiny list of people when I comes to musicality, talent, blending, professionalism, creative spontaneity, collaboration and all with a sense of caring about her touring colleagues.”
— Van Romaine, Musical Director for Enrique Iglesias